Last night we did "Thumper", one of our CrossFit Koncepts "Bond Girl" workouts, and everyone posted impressive times for a very tough (physically and mentally) workout. While "Thumper" isn't the most challenging workout in this series it is certainly in the top five or so. A couple people had the pleasure of meeting "Thumper" for the first time last night while other people are familiar with her and know to keep their distance.
If you're not familiar with the workout it is 100 Kettlebell Burpee Snatches for time - simple and utterly brutal. Personally I knocked almost two minutes off of my last time (came in at ~15:30)... and I'm looking at knocking another 30 seconds off of it the next time this WOD comes around. If you've never tried this workout it's worth a shot... as long as you don't mind burpees - and snatches. For a demo of the KB Burpee Snatch check out this video on YouTube.