Training Today for Tomorrow
The Rock and Roll Sit Out

The Pareto Principle - The Secret to Success in the Gym?

The Pareto Principle states the eighty percent of your success will be generated by twenty percent of your efforts. This has been proven in economics, productivity, and even in nature. So what does this have to do with training?

It's simple: eighty percent of your results are going to come from twenty percent of your training. In particular, exercises that have a big bang for the buck. I'm sure you can think of several, because you some them in pretty much EVERY workout: Deadlifts, Swings, Goblet Squats, Cleans, and Burpees.

I'm sure you're starting to see a pattern here. The exercises that are the hardest, and recruit the most muscles, are the ones that are going to get you stronger and give you the results you are looking for. Also, keep in mind that by keeping the workouts short and high intensity, we're making sure that the limited training time you have available to you is well spent and productive.


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