Mace and Indian Clubs to the Rescue!
April 08, 2024
Cole Rodriguez attended the last Mace and Indian Clubs Workshop, held on March 24, 2024. Less than two weeks later Cole reached out to share how his training with the Indian Clubs and Mace have already made a difference in his, and his clients, workouts:
"Hey Mike - did about 05-10 minutes of Mace and Indian Club work before my workout today. I've never been able to do Overhead Squats without struggling through it, even with an empty barbell. After doing about 05-10 minutes of Mace and Indian clubs, 95 lbs felt relatively easy. I've never been able to do Overhead Squats so well in my life! It felt so good! Thanks for introducing me to these amazing tools..."
If you want to experience what Cole is, I strongly suggest that you attend the next Level I Mace and Indian Clubs Workshop (coming 05/05/24).
BTW - Cole is a (super) trainer at Rise Fitness and Kickboxing in Annapolis, MD. Reach out to him at 302/415-0397 to meet your personal training, kettlebell, mace and Indian clubs training needs.