Beyond the Snatch Workshop - 03/19/2023
March 09, 2023
Sunday March 19, 2023
at CrossFit Koncepts
10:30 am to 05:00 pm
The Beyond the Snatch (BTSn) workshop is the entry point into getting a comprehensive understanding of the mechanics and techniques behind the Kettlebell. We will cover the foundational 01-hand Grinds and Ballistics that are essential to using the Kettlebell safely and effectively. All the techniques that will be taught during the workshop are applicable to a wide range of athletes of any age, strength, or experience level. We will also delve deeply into the concept of the “Hinge”, and how it applies to Kettlebells, the importance of the often overlooked “Backswing”, as well as providing coaching and performance guidelines for all techniques.
NOTE: this workshop is applicable to both the beginning athlete and the experienced coach, especially those who have been through a kettlebell certification in the past. The workshop will be taught so that beginning athletes will have sufficient depth in the techniques that they can self-assess their performance and make appropriate modifications. Coaches, trainers, and experienced Kettlebell users, will gain a deeper understanding of how to manipulate, teach, demonstrate, and troubleshoot Kettlebell technique in a manner that is safe, effective, and scalable to any athlete.
- Deadlift
- Front Squat
- Farmer Carry; 01-hand
- Press
- Renegade Row
- Thruster
- Overhead Squat
- Backswing
- Swing
- Hand Change Swing
- Clean
- High Pull
- Snatch
- Half-Snatch
- Push Press
- Viking Press
- Jerk
Michael Krivka is a Master RKC with over two decades of experience training with and teaching kettlebells. He has taught a wide range of people, Tier One Spec Op personnel to Soccer Moms, how to safely and effectively use kettlebells to meet their strength and body composition goals. He is the highest reviewed kettlebell instructor on the Dragon Door website, and his gym, CrossFit Koncepts, consistently receives five-star reviews on Google.
- Date: Sunday March 19th, 2023
- Time: 1030 am to 0500 pm; 01 hour lunch break
- Location: CrossFit Koncepts 16720 Oakmont Avenue Gaithersburg, MD 20877
- Cost: $200/person if pre-registered by 03/12/23; $299/person after 03/12/23 (no exceptions)
- Registration: Contact Mike Krivka at 301/404-2571 or [email protected]
- NOTE: workshop size will be limited to 15 people