Motivation Fades
July 24, 2022
What does it take to make a change? It takes time and consistency.
Time is something that we could all do a better job managing. If you don't think you have enough time for taking care of yourself (eating right, sleeping enough, and working out), take a look at how much time you are spending on devices and television. I can almost guarantee that you are spending more than enough time to squeeze in a 20-25 minute workout every day, if not every other day.
Consistency is also something that we could all be better at. In order to be consistent at something you need to schedule the time and make it a priority. If you block off time for yourself, which is something that any healthcare professional or life coach will tell you that you have to do. If you look at your schedule, and take into account that you have to sleep, eat, and work, then find the time to do something for yourself - like working out.