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July 2022

Motivation Fades

What does it take to make a change? It takes time and consistency.

Time is something that we could all do a better job managing. If you don't think you have enough time for taking care of yourself (eating right, sleeping enough, and working out), take a look at how much time you are spending on devices and television. I can almost guarantee that you are spending more than enough time to squeeze in a 20-25 minute workout every day, if not every other day.

Consistency is also something that we could all be better at. In order to be consistent at something you need to schedule the time and make it a priority. If you block off time for yourself, which is something that any healthcare professional or life coach will tell you that you have to do. If you look at your schedule, and take into account that you have to sleep, eat, and work, then find the time to do something for yourself - like working out.


Today we celebrate Sandra! Sandra brings some extra an extra dose of joy to the gym when she arrives, and always has something nice to say - even about the most miserable of workouts. She is consistently one of the hardest working people in gym and also one of the strongest. We are lucky to have her as part of our CFK family!

Early Bedtime

I know that this is humorous to most people but it is vitally important for your health; both physical and mental.

Establishing a consistent bedtime, and wake time, is critical to support deep and restorative sleep. Sleep hygiene, which encompasses sleep time, sleep conditions, sleep duration, and more, are all parts of keeping you healthy and adding to your longevity.

Do you have good sleep hygiene?

If yes, good for you?

If not, why?



Today we celebrate the one and only Brenda! Brenda is a former Basketball phenom that is now finding a resurgence in her athleticism here at CFK. She always has a smile on her face and puts everything she has into every workout. We are proud to have her as part of our family here at CFK.


Today we celebrate the amazing Kira! Kira is a phenomenal athlete that distinguished herself in both High School and College as a powerhouse on the Volleyball court. We'd like to think that we had something to do with that... and I think she'd agree!


Today we celebrate Cristine. She has been with us for a long. long time and has become a plank holder at the gym. Unfortunately, she is going to be moving to Florida soon, but she will forever be a person that inspires us and makes us laugh!