Partial to Great Technique!
September 23, 2020
CrossFit has had a tremendous impact on the fitness industry to and to tens of thousands of people who train at CrossFit gyms around the world. It has brought a unique and exciting concept in training that motivated people to train hard and reap the benefits of their hard work.
Unfortunately, somewhere between concept and implementation the "shite hit the fan". A focus on reps/score/time replaced safety considerations and technique. Instead, if it looked anything close to the technique it was considered good enough. Of course, good enough is only good enough until load or fatigue leads to injury... and then it's not the gyms fault, it's the individuals fault.
Sorry, but I've got to call this one as I see it and that's complete BS. If you, as a coach or gym owner, are putting inexperienced athletes into a situation that they don't have the training, conditioning or experience to handle then YOU are at fault. Remember - your'e the "Coach" and your supposed to be Coaching and keeping people from hurting themselves.
The concept of "Half-ass for Time" is one that you will find running rampant but I can guarantee this: you won't find it at CrossFit Koncepts!