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September 2020

Investment or Bill?

Here's something to think about: are you investing in your health, both short-term and long-term, or are you doing damage today that you will pay for tomorrow or in the years to come?

Not many of you will be able to answer this question because honestly you don't know the difference between a productive workout and a non-productive one. Don't misunderstand me, this is in no way a criticism of your intelligence or your integrity. It is more of the popular culture behind exercise and training that has made it impossible for people to understand the difference between productive and non-productive training. The popularity of CrossFit and HIIT, and their influence into other areas of the fitness community, has slewed what is considered reasonable and productive training into something wildly different. High loads, high reps, and the utter destruction of the athlete is the order of the day.

Unfortunately this mentality does NOT create a solid foundation for future strength, mobility and health. Burnout and injuries lead to athletes who drop out and never return to exercise.

But what happens when an athlete comes across a productive training program that invests in their strength, mobility, endurance and, most importantly, longevity? You get athletes who are happy, healthy and making progress in the gym. They are developing solid technique and skills that they can continue to develop in the years and decades that follow. In other words they are investing in their future by slowing down and putting the time into what counts - technique and skills over reps and load.

The Aftermath...

When you train you get a host of benefits; physical, mental and spiritual.

Some are visible and some are not.

When you train with people you love and respect, you get even more. You get inspiration, camaraderie, and enhanced commitment.

But one thing is for certain. Hard work leaves evidence... in this case it was a "sweat angel"!

Load - Reload - Unload

The ability to safely and effectively load, reload and unload during exercise is critical. This applies to all body weight, bar, and of course, Kettlebell techniques.

You can think of these three phases as being transitional techniques in between reps or exercises. But, just because they are transitional, it doesn't mean that they are any less important than the techniques themselves.

If you apply this concept to the the Backswing, a foundational technique with the Kettlebell, your skill and strength gains will accelerate. Knowing how to manage a load during these three phases demonstrates a level of expertise that you don't see from many Kettlebell "experts". 

Are you glossing over or bypassing the real "meat" of a technique - the loading, reloading and unloading the body -  to get to the "sizzle"?

If you take an honest look at your training you might be surprised...

The Stage of Sleep

The more you understand about the stages of sleep the more you will be able to improve the quality and quantity of sleep. Each stage of sleep is important and needs to be experienced every night to get an "overhaul" of your body each and every night.

Do Less - Better!

If you are constantly learning new skills you will never get good at any of them. Think about it - the more skills you learn the less time you have to devote to perfecting your technique.

What's the answer? Limit the number of skills that you include in your workouts and then devote yourself to mastering them. Sounds restrictive - but it's not!

Take the basics with the Russian Kettlebell. Let's say that there are ten basic two-handed techniques. Then, let's say that there are another ten one-handed techniques. Then, just for fun, let's say there are another ten double Kettlebell techniques. That thirty techniques that you need to master with just the Kettlebell alone... and trust me, there are way more than thirty basic Kettlebell techniques between one-hand, two-hand and double Kettlebell.

This should make you think long and hard about how your are devoting your time and energy. Do you really more techniques - or do you just need to get really good at the basics?


How Much Sleep Do You Need?

It's probably more than you are getting now.

If you aren't getting enough you are literally risking your life. If you are getting too little then are literally risking your life. At a minimum you need at LEAST 07 hours every night...

Watch the following video for more information on the dangers of poor quality sleep and other things you need to address when it comes to sleep.

Your Friends Can Make Or Break You...

Who you spend your time with says a lot about you.

This is especially true when it comes to who you spend your time with training. Are you surrounded by supportive people who are on the same path that you are? Or, are they only concerned about their numbers and their progress?

The decision is yours. Someone once said that you are the sum of the people you spend the most time around...