Words to Live By
Discipline is the Key

Kettlebell Use and Abuse

I'm going to tell you a secret and you can't tell anyone else. Are you ready?

Your trainer does not know how to use a kettlebell. What they are doing is more than likely kettlebell abuse than use.

How do I know? I've been using and teaching kettlebells for over two decades, twenty four years at this point, and I have NEVER come across a trainer that was using them correctly. Now, if I was a shrinking wall-flower hiding in a cave somewhere then it wouldn't be a big deal... but I'm not. I've traveled around this country, North, South, East and West, and I haven't run across a single person. So I'm going to say with 99.999 % assurance that your trainer does not know how to use them.

Which should really make you think - what else do they not know?


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