Depth vs Width
April 30, 2018
The concept of having skills that are inch wide and a mile thick is foreign to most trainers and athletes. Instead of having a toolbox that is stocked with well-developed and highly effective skills, most will chase the "technique of the month" of YouTube or Instagram. Instead of exploring the basics (Push, Pull, Squat, Hinge, Carry and Other), most will pursue the newest and "sexiest" technique that will definitely get them clicks.
This is unfortunate on many levels. Primarily in that they will never get benefit from any exercise because then don't spend enough time developing it. Instead of developing "depth" in their training they will pursue "width" by throwing everything into the mix. Why? Because they are hoping to discover the "magic complex" that will give them a six-pack and a 350 lbs bench press.
Look at it this way: some of the strongest men and women in the world only do four lifts. Some of the best grapplers in the world only execute six or eight techniques in competition. Even boxers only have a handful of technique that they use in the ring. The difference between having a "deep few" and a "shallow many" is that the "few" are developed to such a high level that they will always outshine and outperform the many.
Something to think about when you are setting up your next training cycle...