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June 2017

Bench Press, Overhead Press Workshop with Marty Gallagher - 06/24/17

Marty Gallagher will be at CrossFit Koncepts on June 24th, 2017 to give a hands-on workshop on the Bench Press and the Overhead Press.


The bench press and all its iterations and variations are the King of all upper body progressive resistance exercises. The overhead press and its iterations and variations are the King of all shoulder exercises. Most progressive resistance trainees are unaware as to how many variations there are of these two core exercises and how to skillfully rotate the movements and the variants in such a way as to attain and retain measurable progress on a consistent and ongoing basis.

The vast majority of progressive resistance trainees obtain submaximal results from their pressing efforts because they perform the exercises incorrectly and/or they lack any semblance of a coherent tactical game plan.

Not all pressing exercises are created equal. There exists a hierarchy, a pecking order, amongst pressing exercises that most “civilians” are unaware of: it is absolutely critical that in order to maximize results, certain pressing exercises need be prioritized and further, highly specific techniques need be practiced.

Marty will share with attendees five distinct overhead press types: seated dumbbell overhead press, standing barbell press off the racks, seated press-behind the neck, the incline dumbbell press and push-jerk. Seminar attendees will also be shown the five iterations of the “Olympic Press.” Michael Krivka will also show attendees how to replicate the featured lifts using the specified techniques using kettlebells.

Both technique and tactics must be understood and developed for training to be effective:

  • Technique: each exercise uses a specific technique that has an intended physiological impact. Attendees are taught how to select exercises and pair them up with specific techniques and set and rep strategies. Differing exercise techniques elicit differing physiological results.
  • Tactics: empowered with a veritable arsenal of exercises and techniques, attention is turned to tactics. A goal without a plan is a wish. The first order of business is to establish realistic yet motivating goals that are then set into a timeframe. Weekly mini-goals are established and achieved; over time the overarching goals are attained.


Seminar attendees will be introduced to and drilled on the core pressing exercises and their relevant variations. In addition, the tactical side of the progressive resistance equation will be explained. Attendees will create their own pressing straight-line periodized templates, customized to the specifics of whatever situation and circumstance they find themselves in. Our system is expandable and contractible, maximally flexible and effective.


MartyGallagherMarty has trained regularly with four 600-pound raw bench pressers: Hugh Cassidy, Kirk Karwoski, Ken Fantano, Gene Donat and Danny D’Arico. Gallagher observed certain training commonalities and subtle techniques used by these men. Their techniques, along with their Old School training tactics are taught to seminar attendees.

If you don't know who Marty is then you need to learn a little (make that a LOT) about the history of iron.  Marty is a national and international powerlifting champion, a coach to champions and Tier One Spec Ops personnel, and the author of a number of books on training (The Purposeful Primitive; Strong Medicine; CrossCore Hardcore; Coan: The Man, The Myth, The Method; CrossCore HardCore; and more) as well as hundreds of articles and blog posts.

Marty is going to dissect the Bench Press and Overhead Press in a manner that will allow you to develop these core lifts in a way that will astonish you. His experience cultivating some of the strongest and resilient men and women in the world will benefit everyone from a strength and conditioning coach to a beginning athlete.  Why flounder, wondering if your technique is safe, sound and viable, when you can learn these techniques from a living master?

Check out this excerpt from last years workshop with Marty:


  • Date: Saturday June 24, 2017
  • Location: CrossFit Koncepts 16720 Oakmont Avenue Gaithersburg, MD 20877
  • Time: 1100 pm to 0500 pm
  • Cost: $120/person is paid by 06/19/17. $150/person after 06/19/17. No exceptions.

NOTE: this workshop is limited to the first twenty-five (25) people who pre-register.  Pre-registration requires payment in advance.  There will be no at the door admittance for this event. In other words: if you don't pre-register you are not going to get in.

For more information or to pre-register: contact Mike Krivka at 301/404-2571 or [email protected]