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April 2017

Deadlift and Squat Workshop with Marty Gallagher - 05/13/17

Marty_GallagherMarty Gallagher will be at CrossFit Koncepts on May 13th, 2017 to give a workshop on the Deadlift and Squat.  If you don't know who Marty is then you need to learn a little (make that a LOT) about the history of iron.  Marty is a national and international powerlifting champion, a coach to champions and Tier One Spec Ops personnel, and the author of a number of books on training (The Purposeful Primitive; Strong Medicine; CrossCore Hardcore; Coan: The Man, The Myth, The Method; CrossCore HardCore; and more) as well as hundreds of articles and blog posts.

Marty is going to dissect the Deadlift and Squat in a manner that will allow you to develop these core lifts in a way that will astonish you. His experience cultivating some of the strongest and resilient men and women in the world will benefit everyone from a strength and conditioning coach to a beginning athlete.  Why flounder, wondering if your technique is safe, sound and viable, when you can learn these techniques from a living master?

Check out this excerpt from last years workshop with Marty:

Details on the workshop:

  • Date: Saturday May 13, 2017
  • Location: CrossFit Koncepts 16720 Oakmont Avenue Gaithersburg, MD 20877
  • Time: 1100 pm to 0500 pm
  • Cost: $120/person is paid by 05/06/17. $150/person after 05/06/17. No exceptions.

NOTE: this workshop is limited to the first twenty-five (25) people who pre-register.  Pre-registration requires payment in advance.  There will be no at the door admittance for this event. In other words: if you don't pre-register you are not going to get in.

For more information or to pre-register: contact Mike Krivka at 301/404-2571 or [email protected]

Kettlebells for Prehab, Rehab and Injury Prevention - 04/29/17

KB_Prehab_Rehab_042917Workshop Overview

The Kettlebell is by far one of the most effective and popular strength and conditioning tools available today.  The Kettlebell’s ability to create rapid strength gains, positively affect body composition, and increase anaerobic capacity is well documented and recognized. However, they can also be tremendously effective in highlighting ineffective and potentially dangerous movement patterns and loading/unloading habits that can lead to injury and strength imbalances. The goal of this five hour workshop is to give the attendee the tools, skills, and experience to utilize the Kettlebell to identify, correct, and stabilize bad movements; fix weak links in existing movements; and strengthen transitionary and stabilization skills.  Techniques will also be demonstrated and explored to increase mobility and structural stability in order to help prevent injuries from occurring in the first place as well as speed recovery from existing injuries.

Workshop Registration

  • Date: April 29, 2017 from 11:00 am to 05:00 pm
  • Cost: $120/person. Payment must be received prior to 04/24/17. $150/person after 04/27/17. No exceptions!
  • Location: CrossFit Koncepts 16720 Oakmont Avenue Gaithersburg, MD 20877
  • Contact: Michael Krivka at [email protected] or 301/404-2571
  • Prerequisites: attendees must be an HKC, RKC, CrossFit Level 1 (or higher), or a credentialed Personal Trainer.
  • Note: This workshop is limited to twenty attendees

About the Instructor

MAK_RKCLM_2013Michael Krivka, Master RKC, is a member of the RKC Board of Advisors, a regular instructor at HKC (Hardstyle Kettlebell Certification) and RKC (Russian Kettlebell Certification) nationwide, and is the most highly reviewed kettlebell instructor in the world on the Dragon Door website. With over a decade of experience teaching Kettlebells to civilians, military and law enforcement personnel across the country he has the knowledge and experience to pass on the information he has acquired over almost two decades of teaching kettlebells.  He has programmed group and private instruction with Kettlebells and how their use can be applied to a broad cross-section of the population; everyone from “Soccer Moms” to Tier One tactical athletes.  He is also a regular contributor to the Dragon Door RKC blog, guest contributor to the new Strong Medicine blog, and the author of the best selling eBook “Code Name: Indestructible”.  Mike has recently teamed with Dr. Chris Hardy and Marty Gallagher, authors of “Strong Medicine”, to write a book on the CrossCore tool called “CrossCore HardCore” that was published in 2016.

Mike has over forty years of experience training and teaching the martial arts. He is a Full Instructor under Guro Dan Inosanto in JKD (Jeet Kune Do - Bruce Lee’s personal combat martial art), the Filipino Martial Arts (Arnis, Kali, and Escrima) and Maphilindo Silat. He also has teaching credentials in several other martial arts and combat disciplines (ranging from Tae Kwon Do to Ninpo Taijutsu) which gives him a unique and powerful perspective when it comes to movement and strength and conditioning practices.

Mike is the Owner and Training Director of CrossFit Koncepts in Gaithersburg, Maryland; one of the oldest CrossFit gyms in the Washington, DC area. CrossFit Koncepts has been open over eight years and offers daily classes utilizing a unique integration of CrossFit and Kettlebell training philosophies.