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January 2017

Schedule Change!

Starting this week we will be having an additional workout on Friday's at 05:15 am! Those of you who have been clamoring for early morning workouts... your dreams have been granted!

The early morning schedule is as follows:

  • Tuesday: 05:15 and 06:00 am
  • Thursday: 05:15 and 06:00 am
  • Friday: 05:15 and 06:00 am


New Early Morning WODs!

If you are an early riser and want to get your "WOD on" then we have just thing for you! On Tuesday and Thursday mornings (from 05:15 am - 06:00 am) we have an accelerated version of the WOD so that you can get in, out and on the way to work FAST!  NOTE: starting at the end of the month we will be adding Friday morning as well!


Oly Lifts are NOT for Everyone!

If your coach insists that you perform Olympic Lifts then you might want to share with them what Dr. Stuart McGill has to say about them:

"Olympic lifting must find the lifter. Not the other way around, given the special anatomical gifts needed to lift with efficiency and injury resiliency. The flexibility required in the hips and shoulders in many cases is a gift from your parents. No matter how much stretching is attempted, some will never have the hip and shoulder socket anatomy to deep squat and support a bar overhead.”

So... if the only option in your gym is Olympic Lifting then your "coach" has determined that you are among the very, very small percentage of the athletic population that has the natural attributes for this style of training. Or, and I'm pretty sure this is the case, they are trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Why? Because they don't know any better, don't understand that there are safer options available, or another "expert" told them it was a good idea.


This is NOT what we do...

Kettlebell training can be one of the most effective forms of strength training around... if you understand the tool, techniques and strategies to use with them. If you are using a kettlebell as you would a dumbbell or a bar you are missing out.  If you are using it as a prop to simulate weight training you are misrepresenting the tool and its value to the athlete.

If you are interested in learning how to use the kettlebell for your own workouts, or even in a group workout environment, I would strongly suggest you find an HKC or RKC in your area. They have been trained to not only use a kettlebell, but teach you how to use it more effectively.

If you are looking for a contrast to what the workouts are at CrossFit Koncepts the following video should give you some perspective...

Apple Cider Vinegar

Several people, whose opinions I respect, recommended that I try taking Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). I've known about ACV for a while and I came across numerous references to it while doing some research after reading "Strong Medicine". I ingest very little fermented foods, sauerkraut on occasion, so I was looking for something simple to add to my diet.  After doing the research I didn't pull the trigger until today.  Several posts on Facebook referred to ACV and I was once again pushed in the direction of trying it for myself.  I went to my local Vitamin Shoppe and picked up a bottle (very inexpensive) and took my first dose. The taste will take a little getting used to, but if if it has one third of the benefits that I've heard about, it will be well worth it.

BTW - one of the claims, that has been substantiated by medical research, is that ACV can help with weight loss. That's all well and good, but the real appeal to me is its effect on the gastrointestinal tract.  I'll let you know how it works for me...