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June 2015

The Real Cost of Aging

FallenDo you remember the commercial with the old lady lying on the ground saying "I've fallen and I can't get back up!"?  It was funny at the time to most people - unless you knew someone who died as a direct or indirect result of a fall.

Did you know that according to your insurance company the most dangerous place in your home is the bathroom and it accounts for the greatest percentage of accidents (i.e., fall related injuries)?  See - you thought trimming the hedges with the lawn mower was dangerous, but it's not even close!

Dan John made a point during one of his lectures that really struck a chord with me and made me want to look deeper into the danger of falls and their aftereffects.  He said that if two people of the same age and general physical characteristics, where one was diagnosed with cancer and one had a serious fall, the one with cancer had a much better chance of being alive five years later than the one that fell.  Think about it: are you more afraid of cancer than falling?  Hands down, nine out of ten people would say cancer.  But, and this is the scary part, your chances of surviving a fall go down for every year after age 65 while your chances of surviving cancer stay the same or increase (depending on the type and severity of the cancer).

I had an experience several years ago at a Powerlifting competition where I watched a 70+ year old man make two world records and attempt a third.  I met up with him after he finished the competition to talk about his training.  The conversation eventually got around to kettlebells and he was eager to see how they work.  I showed him the Swing, Clean, Squat, Press, Snatch and Turkish Get Up (TGU).  He was impressed with all of the movements with the exception of the TGU. Why?  Because he couldn't get up off the ground unassisted!  Remember, this gentlemen was a world record holder in Powerlifting but was unable to get up off of the ground without help...

If you are interested in learning out more about the getting older and the need for strength training as you age please check out Dan Denidoza's posting on the Strong Medicine blog for more about this topic. 

Movement and Load

You see them all of the time on Facebook and YouTube; submitted by excited amateurs and seasoned professionals alike. You know what I'm talking about - PR videos. The ones that everyone puts up to show how "strong" they are getting in the gym and how "solid" their technique is.  Really?

For the most part they are exciting to watch - kind of like an impending train wreck - because you can't pull your eyes away from the inevitable disaster that is unfolding in front of you!  Inexperienced athlete combined with heavy loads and questionable technique lead to one thing - injury.  Oh they might avoid it for a while but they are setting the stage for disaster none the less.

I would love to see some videos of people training with loads that they can actually manage and showing some mastery of the movement.  That would be a nice change of pace as far as I'm concerned.  Think about it this way - if you can't manage the movement with a moderate load, what makes you think you can do it with more?  Crisp, controlled, masterful movement has to be found before you can impose additional load - period.  Pushing yourself beyond your technique is not only a bad idea for most athletes it's downright stupid unless you are under the tutelage of a coach who knows how to get you to the next level.

NOTE: image on the left is with a 132 lbs kettlebell and the image on the right is with a 71 lbs kettlebell.  I included this for reference to show that, while the load is significantly different, the midpoint of the Kettlebell Swing is essentially the same.


Kettlebells for Prehab, Rehab and Injury Prevention

Kettlebells for Prehab, Rehab and Injury Prevention
June 14, 2015 from 10:30 am to 04:30 pm

Workshop Overview

JohnKalil_GobletSquatThe Kettlebell is by far one of the most effective and popular strength and conditioning tools available today.  The Kettlebell’s ability to create rapid strength gains, positively affect body composition, and increase anaerobic capacity are well documented and recognized; however they can also be tremendously effective in highlighting ineffective and potentially dangerous movement patterns and loading/unloading habits that can lead to injury and strength imbalances.  The goal of this five hour workshop is to give the attendee the tools, skills, and experience to utilize the Kettlebell to identify, correct, and stabilize bad movements; fix weak links in existing movements; and strengthen transitionary and stabilization skills.  Techniques will also be demonstrated and explored to increase mobility and structural stability in order to help prevent injuries from occurring in the first place and speed recovery from existing ones.

Workshop Registration

  • Cost: $120/person. Payment must be received prior to 06/10/15; no exceptions.
  • Location: CrossFit Koncepts 16720 Oakmont Avenue Gaithersburg, MD 20877
  • Time: 10:30 am to 04:30 pm; one hour lunch break included
  • Contact: Michael Krivka at [email protected] or 301/404-2571
  • Prerequisites: attendees must be an HKC, RKC, CrossFit Level 1, or credentialed Personal Trainer.  This is not a “user’s course” but is intended for fitness professionals only.
  • Note: Workshop is limited to twelve attendees.

About the Instructor

Michael Krivka, Senior RKC, is a member of the RKC Board of Advisors, a regular instructor at HKC (Hardstyle Kettlebell Certification) and RKC (Russian Kettlebell Certification) nationwide, and is the most highly reviewed kettlebell instructor in the world on the Dragon Door website, with over a decade of experience teaching Kettlebells to civilians, military and law enforcement personnel across the country.  He has programmed group and private instruction on Kettlebells and how their use can be applied to a broad cross-section of the population; everyone from “Soccer Moms” to Tier One tactical athletes.  A regular contributor to the Dragon Door RKC blog, guest contributor to the new Strong Medicine blog, and the author of the best selling eBook “Code Name: Indestructible”.  Mike has recently teamed with Dr. Chris Hardy and Marty Gallagher, authors of “Strong Medicine”, to write a book and produce a video on a new strength and conditioning tool that will be introduced later this year.

Mike has over forty years of experience training and teaching the martial arts.  He is a Full Instructor under Guro Dan Inosanto in JKD (Jeet Kune Do - Bruce Lee’s personal combat martial art), the Filipino Martial Arts (Arnis, Kali, and Escrima) and Maphilindo Silat. He also has teaching credentials in several other martial arts and combat disciplines, which gives him a unique and powerful perspective when it comes to movement and strength and conditioning practices.

Mike is the Owner and Training Director of CrossFit Koncepts in Gaithersburg, Maryland; one of the oldest CrossFit gyms in the Washington, DC area.  CrossFit Koncepts has been open over eight years and offers daily classes utilizing a unique integration of CrossFit and Kettlebell training philosophies.

3 for $300!

Kettlebell_3for300CrossFit Koncepts 3 for $300 Summer Special!

CrossFit Koncepts is offering a 3 month prepaid membership for only $300 (new members only). This membership is open to athletes of all ages and skill/strength levels and is perfect to prepare young and developing athletes for the 2015-2016 sports season.  Don't miss the opportunity to get unlimited access to our time proven and results oriented program that will enhance your strength, mobility and conditioning.  Come see why CrossFit Koncepts is the gym you want to join if you are serious about your fitness!

Purchase NOW – Only 20 Available!

If you are ready to make a commitment to greater strength, enhanced mobility and high quality movement then you need to act fast!  We are only offering this opportunity to the first twenty (20) people who come in and purchase their three month prepaid membership.  You can drop by today to purchase this offer or contact Crossfit Koncepts via email or phone to purchase with your credit card.  Please note that this offer will expire at Midnight on 06/06/15.  Your membership starts on the day of purchase; all sales are final and are non-transferrable.  NOTE: This membership special applies to new members only, and cannot be combined with other discounts or offers.

For more information regarding the membership special please contact CrossFit Koncepts via email at [email protected]  or call 301/404-2571

Why CrossFit Koncepts?

There are literally dozens of CrossFit gyms close by, so why should you choose CrossFit Koncepts?  First, CrossFit Koncepts is one of the oldest CrossFit gyms in the Washington, DC area and the oldest in Montgomery County (over 8 years).  Second, our instructors are not only highly reviewed locally (by our members and guests) but international as coaches and presenters.  Third, when they are not teaching classes here in Gaithersburg our trainers are on the road training other trainers in how to safely and effectively use Russian Kettlebells, Mobility, and Strength and Conditioning program design. Finally, we have the safest, sanest and most adaptable strength and conditioning formula you will find anywhere.  We pride ourselves on being able modify and scale our workouts to benefit anyone – including you!

We welcome you to check out our staff and training facility and try us out for yourself with a free introductory workout.  But don’t wait too long because this membership special will be gone before you know it!