I had a couple people make some constructive criticism of our programming lately and I wanted to share it with all of you so that, if we haven't passed this on to you directly, you will now understand what we are doing.
Two individuals pointed out the same thing but in two different ways. One person said that we need to "start the workouts on time; you're always ten minutes late". Another person said that we need to "do more mobility before the workout because they have special needs and require extra time to warm up". Both people make great points and are both valid criticisms. Let me address them individually:
One, every workout starts on time. From the start of the class time until seven minutes after the hour is your chance to catch up, roll out, interpret the WOD, get your equipment together, etc. What you do with that time is entirely up to you. If you use it standing in the corner waiting for the group warm up to start that is entirely your decision. I intentionally leave this window of time for people to transition from the world outside to the world inside the gym. Some people don't need this but many do and benefit from it...
Two, we do an extensive technique review and mobility prep prior to each and every workout. I look at the movements in the workout and focus on the best ways to prepare you for the techniques and loading. This usually takes about twenty to twenty five minutes but can sometimes go longer if there are special needs that are being addressed. The first seven minutes of each and every class are intended for you to personally prepare yourself for the upcoming WOD. Look around the room - there are people on the foam rollers, there are people doing stick mobility drills, there are people using the TRX, and there are people stretching. Granted, there are others standing around chatting - and that's okay! But, if you have special mobility issues that you need to address, then I build time into the class for you to do that. BTW - If you don't have specific mobility issues then I can guarantee you that instead of standing around for seven minutes there is a skill or technique that would benefit from some additional attention.
If all else fails ask John or me for some guidance and we'll point you in the right direction! :)