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July 2014

Batman Day 2014

If a pictures speaks a thousand words... then this one speaks a million!

How do we roll on a Wednesday at CrossFit Koncepts?  Not just any Wednesday - but the 75th anniversary of Batman?  We do "Jessica" wearing our Batman shirts (and Liz did part of the WOD with the mask on)!

This must be an alternate universe Batman team up... my comic book geek friends will know what I'm talking about! :)



I'm not sure if you had a chance to see this amazing display of athleticism from Kacy Catanzaro.  She is a competitor on American Ninja Warrior and is the only women to complete the course. She not only completed the course - she owned it!  At only five feet tall and a little over a hundred pounds she is a fierce competitor and is the embodiment of the old saying "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog"!  Hope to see you go all the way "Mighty Kacy"!



She may be number two in the "Liz department" but she is number one today! Dos has been a part of our program from almost the very beginning and has been getting stronger and stronger. Her fierce competitive spirit drives her to work hard in the gym and the hard work has paid off on the Softball field as well. Recently she has begun to explore moving around heavier kettlebells and the results speak from themselves. You are an amazing athlete and an inspiration to every woman you train with... and some of the men! 

BTW - that's a 61 lbs kettlebell that she Cleaned and Split Jerked for this picture and that was AFTER finishing the WOD! :)


Whacked Out Wednesday Number 20

What does it take to get almost a quarter of a MILLION views of a Kettlebell video?  Well its obviously got nothing to do with skill, technique or the understanding of movement...

If your Kettlebell workout looks like this then you need to put the Kettlebell down (carefully) and find and RKC or HKC to help you learn the most efficient, effective and safe way to use one.



"Sandy" - Sandy originally came to us from our friends at Fleet Feet Sports Gaithersburg. Looking to expand her fitness levels she came in quietly and took a few classes and before you know it she was training with us on a regular basis - and we're thrilled to have her. Those of you who did "Sandy" know that this one was a killer WOD - the term "silent but deadly" comes to mind. Come to think of it... Sandy is pretty quiet!  NOTE: many thanks to Jenna Delaney for standing in for the picture today! Jenna did "Sandy" with a 50 lbs kettlebell and then posed for the picture with a 60 lbs kettlebell! Someone is getting S-T-R-O-N-G!!!


"Make your bed every morning..."

Take a few minutes to listen to this commencement address given by Admiral William H. McRaven and find out what you can do to change the world for the better!  He passes on what it takes to make your life, and the lives of others, better and more productive.

How do you change the world?  First start by making your bed... it's not a lot but it gives you a place to start your day with a finished task and prepares you for more tasks and more success.

BTW - my favorite was "never ring the bell" which means never, ever give up!  Fitting words from a Navy SEAL...



I've known Anita for years (we both worked for Aspen Systems many years ago) and after many a winding road she ended up at our doorstep to train... and she is here to stay! If you've trained with her you know how intense she is and have witnessed her transformation. To say she keeps us all on our toes is an understatement - keep going strong Miss Anita! You are an inspiration to us all...

BTW - yes, that's a one-handed handstand she's doing!


Week Four of the Women of CFK Wods

Today starts another week of epic WODs named after our amazing female athletes at Crossfit Koncepts! Are you ready for this week's line up of "CFK Rock Stars"?

Here it is:

07/21 - Sandy (Menzies)
07/22 - Dos (Gall)
07/23 - Jessica (Kreger)
07/24 - Chris (Ward)
07/25 - Claire (Kruger)
07/26 - Jenna (Delaney)

This is going to be an AWESOME week of WODs - I hope you are up for it!


"Dorothy" - this isn't your daddy's Dorothy! While there may be a tornado once in a while (and a cute little dog), that's pretty much where the similarity ends! This is the hard charging, hard laughing and steel plated radial version of Dorothy. She is a mother, a stellar healer, an amazing cook, a comedian, and a lover of fine movies (as long as they star Jason Statham). I am fortunate enough to be able to call her a friend and have the pleasure of being able to train her... and her journey has just begun!



"Teresa" - that one word should strike fear in the heart of anyone who has seen her working out! What a great WOD (which she modified because the original wasn't hard enough) for an incredible person. Teresa is a one-of-a-kind person that devotes her heart and soul to everything she does and if you call her "friend" you are a very lucky person indeed! You rocked this WOD - but that's exactly what I would expect from you!
