The RKC Six
Thoracic Spine Mobility - Part II


NOTE: Please excuse the following rant.  I rarely blow off steam online but this one has been brewing for a while and it's better to get it out than keep it in.  (I think I just quoted "Shrek"!)

Angry-coachI've been training people since I first started taking Tae Kwon Do over four decades ago.  I hadn't been in the class more than a couple weeks before I found myself in front of the class running warm-ups and drills. Not because I was an awesome TKD practitioner but instead it was because I was relaxed and able to communicate to the diverse group that comprised the class.  Skills and ability came a lot later...

I've expressed my dismay publicly and privately about the proliferation of "coaches" being churned out by CrossFit over the years.  It seems that there is a Level I certification every weekend somewhere in the world that will pump out upwards of 100 new "coaches".  Many come into the Level I with little or no experience as an athlete or coach and will leave "qualified" to open their own gym and start training people. So after a handful of hours exposure to some advanced movement skills they are qualified to teach others safely? Seriously?

On a personal level I have trained in the martial arts for over forty years with some of the most knowledgeable martial artists in the world.  Along the way I have acquired some pretty heady credentials as well.  I am entitled to use the title "sensei", "sifu", "guro", and a host of others - but when I teach I go by the most important title: "Mike". Why?  Because even after four decades of training I consider myself a beginner.  My "love affair" with steel is almost this long and also includes accolades and certifications.  Most prominent are my credentials with the RKC.  I've had the good fortune of being involved with this organization for over a decade and consider it the best training you will ever recieve when it comes to learning to not only use the Kettlebell but to become a competent and qualified trainer.

But does that mean that I can afford to stop learning and training?  Not hardly.  I spend a lot of time each week reading, researching and interacting with others in the strength and conditioning arena.  Becoming a trainer or coach takes a humilty and dedication that few can muster even on a good day.  I find that "the more I know, the more I realize I don't know" on a daily basis and I thank my clients for being patient with me as I strive to improve my meager skills.

To get another authors perspective on the "coach" concept please check out this great article on the  Breaking Muscle website.


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