Time for an infrequent rant... brace yourself! :)
First, to those of you who are training hard and making progress: GREAT! For those of you who are sliding through the training and aren't making progress: don't complain! Your results are going to be in direct proportion to the work you do in and out of the gym (this includes your diet and recovery). If you commit yourself to becoming strong inside and out you will succeed. If you put in your time and don't work to get better each and every day then you aren't going to get the results you want. Sorry - it doesn't work that way in the gym - and in life.
Second, to those of you who are semi-committed to the training - you're fired! Seriously. We put in long days and nights trying to improve our facility and the training. Between new equipment, new classes, and ongoing training and education, a lot of hours and dollars are expended each day, week, month and year. There isn't a facility in the area that can offer the training that we do - no one, not even close. I heard an ex-client say that they left because we didn't have climbing ropes and do muscle ups! Okay, can you do ten strict, dead hand pull-ups and ten strict dips? No? Then how do you think you're going to safely do a muscle up or climb twenty feet up in the air on a rope?
BTW - if you are taking off training for the month (for whatever reason) in order to save money for something then do me a favor - un-friend me on Facebook so I don't see pictures of you blowing money in a bar or on a night on the town. It's hard for me to be compassionate and give you a break when you're partying away your tuition...
I am now stepping off my soap box! Resume your regularly scheduled activities... :)