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October 2012

Schedule Change!

Schedule_changeStarting today (10/31/12) we will be having a 0500 and 0700 workout on Monday and Wednesday evenings.  Moving the 0630 WOD to 0700 will hopefully make it easier for people to fit a workout into their schedules.  Thanks and Happy Halloween!

Women CAN Do Pull-ups!

More pullupsThere has been a lot of buzz on the CrossFit related "Interweb" about a New York Times article entitled "Below the Bar - Why Women Can't Do Pull-ups".  In the article they pointed out that most women and many men cannot do a single pull-up.  So, using scientific training and research, they put a group of women on a training regimen (basically half-ass body building exercises and aerobics) for a period of time and then re-tested them.  Well guess what?  They still couldn't do pull-ups!?!?  Really?  I'm shocked as well...

Instead of training the women in a series of progressions and positioning techniques that would have guaranteed success they threw weight training and aerobics at a body weight skill. Are you surprised that they didn't succeed?  Me neither... and thankfully we're a lot smarter than that! :)

Finding Your Mission

The following video is from the NPE Mega-Training Event that I attended last week in Orlando, Florida.  The promary reason I went to this event was because I new both Dan John and John DuCane were going to be in attendance.  I wasn't disappointed with either of their presentations or the time I was able to spend talking to both of them.  Enjoy the video and see what Dan has to say about "finding your mission" in life:



Are you interested or committed to having a better life?  Do you know the difference?

The following image came to mind when I had a conversation today with a friend of mine who turned 50 today.  We talked about hitting the big "5-0" and what we did differently than most everyone else.  It turns out we both did the same thing: we committed ourselves to keeping our bodies strong and flexible and our minds open and receptive.  While we both may be slowing down a bit we are still way ahead of many of our contemporaries... and we have a lot better stories to tell! :)

So which is it? Are you interested or committed to have a better life?  Now would be a good time to figure this out...


Preparing for the Known and the Unknown?

If you were told that you were going to be dropped into a hostile environment with a minimum of resources and that your survival would more than likely be predicated by your fitness level - what would you do?  Would you run, do Pilates or Zumba, Kickboxing, Curves?  Would any of those alone give you the physical tools you'll need to survive or even thrive?

Well, when Felix Baumgartner was preparing for his parachute jump from the stratosphere what do you think he used to prepare himself for the rigors of the jump and re-entry?  You peeked didn't you?
