CrossFit and Chiropractors
September 30, 2012
As a CrossFitter you put your body through extreme workouts and range of motion movements on a daily basis. You are also working (more than likely in a seated position) and you are making accommodations for past injuries. Normal wear and tear on your spine comes from sports and accidents, not to mention poor posture and weight - but you can fight back!
I've been seeing a Chiropractor for most of my adult life due to spinal issues (structural and from accidents and "misadventure") and have found it to be incredibly beneficial for me. If it wasn't for Dr. Dorothy Dalton-Sheridan (Stand Corrected Chiropractic) I wouldn't be able to move as well and as pain-free as I do. I know many of you have tried Chiropractors before - but "Dr. D" is different. How so you ask? Because she trains at CrossFit Koncepts three days a week and she "gets" what we are doing because she's doing it to! She can help you figure out your back, knee or shoulder issues and give you some real advice on how to get healthy again - from someone who knows not only what she's talking about, but what you're talking about as well.
Don't believe me - ask around CrossFit Koncepts. You'll be amazed at how many of your classmates have or are seeing her as well!