Defining CrossFit
CrossFit and I Know It!

Mini Strength Clinic - 02/04/12


This Saturday, February 04, 2012 from 1030 AM to 1200 PM, we will be having a Mini Strength Clinic to cover the foundation of all barbell lifting techniques - the Deadlift. 

This clinic is for anyone - from beginners to seasoned CrossFit veterans - who is interested in learning more about this lift.  While the basics behind this lift will be covered during classes we will be going into greater depth than class time normally will allow.  This is the perfect opportunity to have your technique evaluated (and videotaped) and be able to watch other athletes develop their technique and skills.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Stance Variables - narrow and wide
  • Grip Variables - thumbs in and thumbs out
  • Bracing - internal and external
  • Loading Cycles - how much and how often
  • and much more

Cost for CrossFit Koncepts clients is $20/person and $25/person for everyone else.


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