I Love Fran...
January 20, 2012
In this instance I'm talking about mu beautiful wife! Fran the WOD is another story altogether!?!? We did that crazy b@#$ch the other night and it was always an educational experience. A couple people experienced her for the first time while others knew what was waiting for them - none were disappointed!
The following video is of me doing the WOD with a 28kg Kettlebell. I've done Fran (the WOD) using several different configfurations (Olympic Bar, Douple Kettlebells, One Kettlebell, etc.) but had never tried it with a single HEAVY Kettlebell. It was an interesting experience to say the least and one that I look forward to doing it again sometime soon and shaving off some time. Enjoy!
BTW - thanks to Denise for manning the camera during the WOD and not laughing too loudly! I will be posting the video of her effort soon!