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December 2011

Money in the Bank

I've been asked more times than I'd like to remember why I train so hard.  My answer is always the same - I'm putting "money in the bank" so that when I'm in my 8-'s I'll still be able to kick a$$ and take names at Leisure World.  No one is going to take my chocolate pudding! :)

Watch the following video and try NOT to be inspired by this guy - he's amazing!


The Origin of Fran

We just did Fran (21/15/09 Thrusters and Pull-ups) the other night and you all know how I feel about this WOD.  I both love it and hate it!?!?  It's the only WOD that gives me "the sweats" before I even start - I even had dreams about it that night (more like three nightmares)!

Anyway, the following video features Greg Glassman, the co-founder of CrossFit, and the story behind the origin of Fran.  BTW - he hates Fran too!!!

NOTE: around the 06 minute mark Coach Glassman explains why this WOD has a "female" name to it - I challenge you not to laugh out loud at his explanation! :)