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CrossFit - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

PukieTake a few minutes to read this article by Chris Shugart on the t-nation.com website.  In it Chris takes a look at CrossFit from the outside-in and makes some interesting and valid observations.

All in all he states that while CrossFit won't improve your effectiveness in any given sport, it will make you stronger overall.  I can't really agree with that observation based on my own experience training people here at CrossFit Koncepts.  What I can say, and in this I agree with Chris, is that CrossFit is not perfect but it is very good at creating a well rounded athlete.  I don't think you'll ever get a double-bodyweight deadlift by just doing WODs, but you will fill in the gaps in your movement that otherwise would be left open.  Still loooking for that heavy deadlift or snatch?  Great - just add a couple sessions of specific training to your schedule and given time and good coaching you'll be well on your way!


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