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August 2011

Kettlebell Juggling

Many of you have seen me doing some Kettlebell Juggling during classes - what John calls my "Cirque De Soleil" moments - but it really is an amazing skill-builder and it really ramps up the intensity quickly.  Check out the video below and then let me know if you are interested in me doing a workshop one weekend to show you all how to do some really fun stuff with the Kettlebell. 

NOTE: do not attempt this at home around small children, animals (around cats is okay though!), or in front of the new flat panel television!


The End is Near!

Endisnear The end of our month of WOD's named after our amazing female clients is approaching fast.  With only a couple more days left we are down to the final three WOD's:

  • Monday - Risa
  • Tuesday - Carolyn
  • Wednesday - Susette

I sincerely hope you enjoyed doing these WOD's and are looking forward to seeing many of them re-appear in the workout rotation!

Mobilizing the Foot and Ankle

As much as we rely on our feet to get us around every day we sure do abuse them!  Cramming them into tight and restrictive shoes, pounding them relentlessly on hard pavement... it's a wonder they don't just get up and walk away!

One thing that most people don't realize is how important the mobility, flexibility and stability of the foot and ankle affect the whole body - especially the knees, hips and back.  Having tight or unstable feet put undue stress and strain on all of the joints and connective tissue throughout the whole support "chain".  Mobilizing the foot and ankle will oftentimes help relieve knee, hip and back pain as well as improve your mobility in squatting, swings and snatching.

The following video gives some great pointers on some simple things you can do to improve the health of your feet and ankles:


Richard "Army" Maguire - Indian Club Expert

The following video is from a very good friend of mine named Richard "Army" Maguire.  He has an amazing background (martial artist, animal trainer, carny, etc.) and is one of the most innovative and smart trainers I have ever met.  He works with a number of fighters (boxing, MMA, etc.) on the West Coast in regards to Indian Clubs and hand conditioning as well as being an inventor of training equipment.  BTW - Guro Dan Inosanto has told me on a number of occasions that Army is a "genius" and "does things I have never seen before"... a pretty astounding endorsement if you ask me.


CrossFit Hero WOD: Rankel

Rankel This workout is named in honor of John "Johnny" Rankel, Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, who lost his life while deployed in Afghanistan in 2010.  This article discusses the base that now bears his name and his fellow Marines who are doing the workout in his honor.


  • 06 Deadlift (225 lbs)
  • 07 Burpee Pull-ups
  • 10 Kettlebell American Swings (70 lbs)
  • 200 meter Sprint

++AMRAP in 20 minutes++

Kettlebell Training in Russian Prison

KB_SiberianPrison_Reuters The following pisture is from Reuters and shows a Russian convict training with Kettlebells as part of an Olympic-style event held at one of the prisons there. Notice the GS-style wrist bands and the deep grip of the Kettlebell.  I'm going to guess this was taken during a Long Cycle competition (double KB Clean and Jerk).

Just thought you might get a kick out of seeing Kettlebells being used in a "different", but no less severe, environment than you train in! :)

BTW - I wonder if the guards there are as strict on form as I am...

Female Celebrities who use Kettlebells and CrossFit

Malin Both Russian Kettlebells and CrossFit have their roots in the last 20 years they have gone in seperate directions while ending up in the same place - elite strength and fitness.  It is no surprise that celebrities who need to look great and move like athletes on screen look for the most efficient and effective ways to get and stay in shape.  Check out this article on on celebrities who are using Kettlebells and Crossfit to create killer bodies!

BTW - if you don't recognize the young lady in the picture to the right it is Malin Ackerman.  She is readily recognizable to fans (mostly guys) of the movie "The Watchmen" but may also be recognized by their girlfriends (if they have any) from her appearances in "The Proposal" and "Couples Retreat".

CrossFit in "Shape" Magazine

Squat To say that CrossFit has gone mainstream would be an understatement! How do I know?  Well there's an article in Shape magazine - and that doesn't get more mainstream media.  Normally touting the latest Pilates move or low-fat diet, the article describes one woman's CrossFit experience - and success.

"My take on CrossFit is this: It's the most ridiculous, strenuous, lung-clenching, heart-throbbing and sopping-wet workout you'll ever do. Forget the elliptical — what a joke. Yoga? No big deal. And running, is that all you've got? If it doesn't hurt and you don't feel like puking up your lunch then you aren't working hard enough. Go big or go home! Trust me, your body will thank you.

In all seriousness, I can say that I have achieved better results in five weeks with CrossFit than with any other attempt I've made at exercise. And I've pretty much run the gamut, from yoga, Pilates, biking, running, personal training; you name it, I've tried it. So give it a go and see if you feel the same."

NOTE: this looks like part one of a multiple part article that will be chronicling the authors CrossFit experience.  I'll be sure to post future installments when I come across them.