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August 2011

July 2011

Last Chance on BOGO Free T-Shirts

Danie_Tshirt Don't forget that we're having a Buy One Get One Free sale on the new CrossFit Koncepts t-shirts (Harder - Faster - Longer - Deeper)!  This offer ends on July 31st... so get them while you can!

BTW - congrats to Danie (pictured here) for doing Conan the Barbarian last night with two 35 lbs Kettlebells!  This was a big jump in weight for her but she powered through it - Go Danie!!!

Conan the Barbarian

  • 05 Double KB Snatch
  • 10 Push-ups
  • 10 Pull-ups
  • 10 Sit-outs

++ 10 Rounds for Time
++ 2*53 lbs KB/Men and 2*35 lbs KB/Women

August = The Women of CrossFit Koncepts

Vanessa_Bader As a tribute to the amazing women we have training at CrossFit Koncepts we are going to have a whole month comprised of workouts named after them (with a Fran, Cindy and Chelsea thrown in for good measure)!  These workouts were inspired by the strengths (and weaknesses) of our beautiful, strong, and amazingly athletic female clients.

Here are the workouts planned for the first week of August:

  • 08/01/11 - Berry
  • 08/02/11 - Dyann
  • 08/03/11 - Liz
  • 08/04/11 - Geri
  • 08/05/11 - Dorothy
  • 08/06/11 - Lori

BTW - Wearing combat boots during the workouts is completely optional... but not discouraged! :)


Zatanna Okay, I admit it - I'm a comic book geek!  Have been all of my life and I've got my boys reading them now as well.  I guess it could be a lot worse - I could like Hip Hop or Rap music instead!?!?

Anyway, last nights workout was called "Zatanna" after a character from the DC Comics universe that is a stage magician and a real magician.  She has ties to Batman and is always helping out when things take a magical twist.


  • 05 Burpees
  • 05 Double Kettlebell Snatch

++AMRAP in 17 minutes; ~09 Rounds
++53 lbs KB/Men and 35 lbs KB/Women

NOTE: been needing some extra work on my Olympic Snatch so I decided to do Zatanna with the Olympic Bar instead of the Kettlebell... and I'm glad I did!  I only had 65 lbs on the bar but it was just enough weight to make me slow down and work on the transitional skills for the Snatch (with a full Overhead Squat).  I'm really proud of the rest of the 0500 PM class as well - they did the workout with either the Oly Bar or a dowel and everyones Snatch technique improved tremendously by the end of the workout! :)  Using the Olympic Snatch was a great change of pace and has increased my confidence in both teaching and using this lift.

CMOH Workout - Robert M. Hanson, USMC

Today's workout was in honor of Robert M. Hanson, USMC who shot down 25 Japanese planes from the South Pacific skies. He posthumously recieved the Congressional Medal of Honor for his valor and tenacity in combat.

Robert M. Hanson, USMC

Workout I

  • Alternating KB Snatch
  • Pull-ups

Workout II

  • Alternating KB Clean and Jerk
  • Box Jumps

++AMRAP in 21 Minutes; combination of workout I and II
++Rep Scheme: Ascending Ladder - 05 to ?
++Partner Workout; one partner works while other partner rests. Partners switch workouts at the end of each round.
++Workout score is final round completed; ~08 rounds
++53 lbs KB/men and 35 lbs/KB women

Captain America

Captain_america Today's workout is Captain America... perfect timing seeing that the movie hits the theatres today as well.  It's almost like I planned it that way... :)

Captain America

  • 07 KB Clean and Split Jerk
  • 07 Criss-Cross Pull-ups
  • 07 Hindu Push-ups
  • 07 Box Jumps

++07 Rounds for Time; 25 minutes
++53 lbs KB/men and 35 lbs/KB women

BTW - saw the movie and it is well worth fighting the crowds for a seat.  Good action and great characters; Tommy Lee Jones stands out in his part.  Enjoy it!

Green Lantern

Green_lantern For those of you who missed the workout last night it was "Green Lantern"... and from what I hear it was a heck of a lot more fun than the movie of the same name! :P

Vastly different feedback and times from the various classes - which I'm going to attribute to the heat and humidity - and the depth of some peoples push-ups!  Yes, that last couple inches at the bottom of the push-up make a WORLD of difference... full range of motion is GOOD for you!  NOTE: A good time (KB weight and reps as RXd) would be ~15 minutes.

Green Lantern

  • 100 Kettlebell Snatch
  • 100 Push-ups

++01 Round for Time
++53 lbs KB/men and 35 lbs KB/women

Checking in From Vacation in NC

KBell Liz and Liz (a.k.a. Dos) checked in via email while they are on vacation this week in North Carolina:

Why Kettlebells are Addictive

Hi Mike,

So Liz and I joined the local gym here for the week in NC and went today to get in a workout.  I think we both realized just how amazing your workouts are when we took a look at all the weight machines and had no desire to use them.  We did do a few dead lifts and messed around with a few other options but then were forced to go with cardio due to a lack of other choices or desire. The upside did include a wheel of pain but otherwise we've got some work to do planning some workouts for the remainder of the week. Wish us luck!  Just wanted to tell you how much we appreciate you and your psychoticness.  See you next week!

- Dos


Aquaman Continuing our month of Super Hero/Villian workouts we did "Aquaman" last night.  While it wasn't a water-based workout, it sure seemed like it by the time it was over and done with.


  • 10 American KB Swings
  • 10 Push-ups
  • 10 B/W Squats

++ 10 rounds for time
++ 53 lbs KB/Men and 35 lbs KB/Women

NOTE: several people did this at sub-17 minutes! A good time would be sub-20 minutes with full ROM on all techniques and RX'd KB weight.

Thanks Anthony!

Anthony_blair Even though Anthony is no longer training with us on a daily basis (now that he is over in England) he is still an integral member of the CrossFit Koncepts family. Anthony has been following the workouts that we post on the website as well as doing workouts that I send him.  Here is what Anthony posted on my Dragon Door Instructor Review Page:

Brother From Another Mother

This review is long over due about Mike. I trained with Mike for the last 6 months I lived in DC and was truly lucky to do so. However after I moved to the UK, Mike has continued to coach and motivate me from across the pond. Mike's ability to teach highly technical skills safely and responsibly to a large class is remarkable. However it is not just Mike's skill that makes him such a remarkable teacher, it is his passion, integrity, work ethic, and positive attitude that makes his box the best around. Often Mike referred to me as his brother from another mother. I can say it is a great compliment coming from a man of Mike's caliber and can not wait to challenge him in a WOD sometime soon.

Thanks Anthony!

BTW - I'm still looking for a number of you to post your reviews to my Instructors Page!  What are you waiting for? :)