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March 2011

A Quick Update for CFK Clients and Friends

Just a couple quick things:

CFK Monthly Birthday Beer and Pizza Workout - will be held next Friday (04/01/11) at 0500 PM.  We will be celebrating all of the April birthday's (Nicky, Dorothy, Geri, Jeffrey, and Big Mak) after the 0500 PM workout.  Don't miss out!  BTW - I will check with Miss Kim and see if she will be continuing her tradition of bringing a batch of her delicious homemade cupcakes (or cake)!

KB 102 - Intermediate Level Russian Kettlebells Workshop - will be held on Saturday April 16, 2011 at USMC Quantico, VA.  If you have any friends or family that are interested in getting intermediate level instruction (Jerk, Turkish Get-up, Windmill, Side Press, etc.) on the single KB this is the workshop to attend.

A Big Favor To Ask Of You All!  Up until September of 2010 I was the number one reviewed KB instructor in the world on the Dragon Door website (NOTE: they just redesigned the whole site and I am now featured on the home page!).  At that time I was devoting all of my energies to supporting the Wounded Warrior Project and the development of the Kettlebells For Warriors charity.  Since last month I have made up some ground and am now at number two and quickly closing in on the number one spot.  Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to write reviews!!!  I greatly appreciate it and I will try to live up to your words of praise.  But - there are still a lot of you who are still holding out and not submitting a review ( I know who you are BTW). So, before I have to start naming names - take a few minutes and go to my instructor page on the Dragon Door website and write a few words about the KB training you have received from me and the classes and/or workshops you've attended.  It will only take a few minutes of your time but I will be eternally grateful for your help in reclaiming the number one spot.
Thanks and I'll see you all in class!


Anti-Bullying Campaign Video

Bullying, both in real life and online, is a problem for kids today.  It was a problem when we were growing up as well but I feel that it is more of an issue now when it's linked to one-parent families, latch-key kids, and other "diseases" of our society.  My martial arts instructor of the last 25+ years, Guro/Sifu Dan Inosanto is featured in the following anti-bullying video. NOTE: the video was produced by his daughter Diana Lee Inosanto who is an actress, writer and director.


"Another One Bites The Dust"

I haven't shot a lot of video lately so I thought I would see how just putting the Flip camera on a tripod and turning it on during a workout would fair.  Well... it's not bad - but it's not good either!  It at least documents everyone moving in and out of the pull-ups and ring dips.

"Another One Bites The Dust"

  • 03 Ring Dips
  • 05 Pull-ups
  • 07 KB Snatch

AMRAP in 20 minutes; Men @53#, Women @ 35#

NOTE: I used a 61# KB to see how bad it could be... it was pretty bad! :)


There's Lots Going On At CFK!

MM_2011_01 I hate to admit it but I've been really busy that last couple weeks and I've fallen way behind on making updates to the CFK web site!  Sorry! :P

We are in the process of ramping up the Kettlbells For Warriors events for 2011 and already have dates planned for Jacksonville, FL; Columbia, SC; York, PA; Washington, DC; Nashville, TN; San Diego, CA; and New York City, NY.  It's going to be a great year and I'm looking forward to meeting a lot of new friends and working with some of my heroes - our wounded warriors.

In addition to the Kettlebells For Warriors events there are a number of Kettlebell workshops scheduled in the coming months.  Everything from a KB 101 (intro) to a KIX 101 (KB's, Indian Clubs and TRX) - not to mention a couple that are in development.

We will also be looking at moving into a larger and much nicer facility in the coming months.  We've already got a new location scouted out and will be negotiating with the landlord very soon to start the build out and modifications to the new location.  This will include a Mens and Womens bathroom - with a lock on the door!?!?

Thanks to all of you for being so patient and amazing clients! 

Closing in on Number One!

Number02 I just want to thank those of you who have taken the time to submit an instructor review to my page on the Dragon Door website!  Your comments and enthusiasm for our program is inspiring to me and makes me want to work even harder to make each and every workout amazing.

If you haven't had a chance to submit your review all you need to do is go to my page and click on the "Write Review" link.
