No Crossfit Class on 09/11/10
This is the kind of promotional video that I want for CFK!

In Remeberence: 09/11/01

It's hard to believe that it's been nine years since the attacks on the World Trade Center.  Like many of you, I can tell you exactly where I was and what I was doing when the first plane hit.  The ensuing confusion and disbelief of the first strike was nothing compared to the realization that it was the first of several coordinated attacks.

The media, and most Americans, have forgotten what it felt like that day to watch people jump to their deaths from the upper floors of the WTC instead of burning alive.  I haven't forgotten - and I never will.  I think we should see those images every day to keep the pain fresh in our minds so that we will remember what our warriors are risking their lives for every single day.


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