Happy Birthday America
New Kettlebell and TRX video

Kettlebells For Warriors - York, PA

KFW_YorkPAThe first Kettlebells For Warriors (KFW) event was held at York Barbell corporate headquarters in York, PA on July 10, 2010.  The event was attended by just under 100 people and they were treated to a full day of events and activities.  A number of people opted to attended the all-day introduction to Russian Kettlebells workshop to get a grip on how to safely, efficiently and effectively use this amazing fitness tool.

There were ample opportunities to get in on the act.  CrossFit York gave a CrossFit workout demonstration as well as some impromptu coaching in the York Barbell gym.  Kim Vigsbo (RKC II) and Bambi Christman gave several Krav Maga demos as well as worked with the Marines in attendance.  Dan Cenidoza captivated the audience with his bending demo - something that needs to be seen to be believed.  We even had some people trying out the TRX and finding out that it is a formidable strength and conditioning tool.

Thanks to our national sponsors (York Barbell, Dragon Door, the CrossFit Journal, and Fitness Anywhere / TRX) for helping promote the event and supplying us with products to raffle off.  A big thanks to Mike Locondro from York Barbell - without Mike's help and tireless dedication to the event it would never have been a success.  Many thanks to to my friends who made the trip to help with the event - John Kalil, rick Doten, Tony Rosa, Gary Boisen, and many, many others.  Thanks for your support and encouragement while developing this project and your continued support as we move on to Los Angeles, San Diego, Washington, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, Columbia, and Jacksonville.  It's going to be a busy year...

NOTE: for more pictures from the event check out the Shot in York web site.


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