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June 2010

"Stalag 17"

Stalag17 This month we are doing movie themed workouts and Monday's was a keeper.  Entitled "Stalag 17" it was a brutal combination of grinds and ballistics.  Give it a try and let me know how you did!

Stalag 17
  • 07 Deadlifts (155# men, 95# women)
  • 07 Burpees
  • 07 KB Snatch (54# men, 35# women)

AMRAP in 20 minutes

BTW - if you've never seen the movie do so.  It's a classic WWII epic with an outstanding story and cast.

Kettlebells For Warriors Update (06/10/10)

The Kettlebells For Warriors (KFW) events that I am coordinating was mentioned in Pavel's newsletter today and I have received numerous emails asking about the events and people volunteering to help out.  I thank you all for your support and encouragement.  This has been a daunting task to undertake but every email or phone call that I get motivates me to keep working to make this project a success and give something back to the men and women who have given so much for us.