God Bless Our Veterans
And now for something completely different...


Tina_KBFran No excuses.  Don't want to hear them because they aren't worth the breath you're wasting telling them to me.  Work - check.  Kids - check.  Grandkids - check.  Husband - check.  Problems/issues like everybody else - check.  But still Miss Tina comes into class and absolutely destroys "KB Fran"!  Using two 18 lbs KB's Miss Tina finished the workout in well under 10 minutes... well before the rest of the class (with the exception of Dos - of course)!

KB Fran
  • Double Kettlebell Thrusters
  • Pull-ups
  • Three rounds for time
  • Rep Scheme - 21, 15, 9
Keep up the phenomenal work Miss Tina!


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