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October 2009

An Amazing Kid!

This video has gotten a lot of attention lately on both the Internet and on TV.  It shows a young Romanian boy that is being trained by his father in both gymnastics and strongman skills.  He's doing a great job of it and the the boy is amazingly strong, flexible and will only get better as time goes on.  Watch the video and enjoy!

Intensity or "Go Hard or Go Home"

William Brown - KB Front Squat Intensity is the name of the game.  There is a term in Japanese that refers to intense martial training: Shugyo.  Shugyo means that you are testing your physical and mental capacity to their greatest levels - each and every workout.  I look at each workout as Shugyo - as an opportunity to test myself and my abilities, to temper my "edge" so that it is both sharp, flexible and unbreakable - mentally, physically and spiritually.

I think the one element that distinguishes CrossFit training in general, and Russian Kettlebell training in particular, is the outright intensity of the workouts.  Maybe that's why I was so excited when I stumbled upon both training protocols.

I get people coming into the training facility (or I'll meet them at a workshop or even online) that are fit, solid athletes who think that they are training "really hard" - and compared to the rest of the drones at their gym they probably are.  But when the come in and try one of our workouts on for size they are floored by the intensity of the workout.  After they've been consistently been doing 60 minutes of strength training and 45 minutes of cardio five days a week they get their Under Armour covered posterior handed to them by a 16 minute workout with a 25 pound Kettlebell.

Some come back for more and others slink off back to their gyms and talk about those "crazy CrossFit/Kettlebell" people.  But some actually "get it" and have their eyes opened to their true athletic potential and what a real workout entails.

If you want it easy there is a Bally's with a Zoomba class forming down the street... and they're only $39.99 a month (with a five year contract that is).

Welcome to CrossFit Koncepts - your only easy workout was yesterday.

Great Job Kim!

KW_army2009 Our very own Kim Wong ran the 2009 Army Ten Miler (with her friends Amy Cooley and Sheri Yesnick).  Last year she decided to run the race at the last minute and logged a very respectable 11 minute mile.

After a year of training at CrossFit Koncepts, a new running skirt and some cool sunglasses she was running 10 minute miles - in other words, she knocked TEN MINUTES off of her time from last year!  BTW - I'm guessing it was the new running skirt! :)

Superman... Down!

DSCN3582It was another Sunday morning - and another challenging workout!

This time around it was "Superman" - 10 Burpees and 10 KB Snatch (Rx'd at 53# for men and 35# for women) - 10 rounds for time.

Sounds like fun doesn't it? :)

BTW - it's a little early for snow angels but you'll be able to find "sweat angels" year round here! :)

Another Satisfied Customer

Dos01 I don't really remember which workout that this picture was from - but I can guarantee you that Dos is really smiling on the inside as well!

 It could have been something like "Trinity" -

- Box Jumps
- KB Swings
- Burpees
- KB Snatch
- Mountain Climbers

03 Rounds for time

Rep Scheme: 10/20/30

Watch this Video

I'm sure you wonder why I CRINGE at most kettlebell videos on YouTube - well there's a really good reason!  I'm not going to point out any technique flaws or safety issues... but you're not going to do it that way at CrossFit Koncepts.  Enjoy!

Having Fun with Chelsea

Chelsea_aftermath.jpg Some workouts are more fun than others - while some just plain suck the life out of you.  Chelsea would be one of them...

Chelsea (from the CrossFit website) is:
  • 05 Pull-ups
  • 10 Push-ups
  • 15 Body Weight Squats
  • 01 Round/Minute on the Minute for 30 Minutes
Can you tell which of these happy campers did 23 rounds??!!??  BTW - they are the same people that are walking funny FIVE DAYS LATER!!! :)