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June 2009

They're Not All This Bad...

Not all of our workouts leave you on the floor in a puddle of your own sweat - but some do!  "Smackdown" just happens to be one of them and the following video pretty much sums up John Kalil's reaction to the workout.   BTW - John is one of our Kettlebell instructors and runs a number of our classes throughout the week as well as working with a growing number of clients one-on-one (check out what one of John's clients says about training with him).  Be sure to stop by and say "Hi" if you get a chance!

You're Never Too Old...

I firmly believe that you can never be too old to try new things.  It's getting outside your "comfort zone" that helps you grow and expand your mind, body and spirit.  A perfect example is "Miss Tina" - she's been with us going on two years now and she is getting stronger and stronger all of the time.  She is always willing to try a new exercise or workout and NEVER complains - which is more than I can say about the guys in the class who are less than half her age!  Below is just a sample of the hard work Tina has put in - keep up the great work!