CrossFit Featured on MSN
November 28, 2008
The CrossFit phenomenon continues to generate a lot of press and it was recently featured in several articles on MSN. Both articles are interesting reads and while they don't add anything new for teh experienced CrossFitter, they do have some "pearls" that are worth harversting.
The first article (Facing Down the Gila Monsters) is written from the perspective of the writer as he completes (or should I say "survives") his first couple workout.
The second article (The Fast Furious Workout) rehashes a lot of the controversy behind the efficiency, Intensity and safety of the CrossFit protocol. While praising the process it also gets in its share of shots... hey, any press is good press!
NOTE: image of Jolie (CrossFitter and SWAT Team member) from CrossFit Vallejo.