Jeff "Martone-isms"
October 30, 2008
If you get the chance to spend any time around Jeff Martone you will quickly learn that he has a very "colorful" way of talking! I'm not talking about "colorful" in the sense that he bandies about four-letter words... just that he has the ability to come up with some phrases that definitely bring a very specific image to mind! Following are just a handful of "Martone-isms" that I captured during a recent CrossFit Kettlebell certification with Jeff.
- Sloth-like Reflexes
- Droopy-bell Syndrome
- Blow out an O-ring
- Like a pig looking at a wristwatch
- It's like magic - but better!
- What muscle doesn't it work?
- Are we playing "Stump the Chump"?
- It's all about the glutes!
- Snappy hips are happy hips!
- If you don't feel like eating a kettlebell - then modify!
- "Short-stroking at the top..."
- You can't develop work capacity - without work!
- If you are going to stupid - you better be tough!
- Train - Not Maim!
- Squash the pumpkin...
- No good is going to come out of that...
- Turn on the sphincter-lock - just for fun!