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October 2008

Jeff "Martone-isms"

Jeff_M If you get the chance to spend any time around Jeff Martone you will quickly learn that he has a very "colorful" way of talking!  I'm not talking about "colorful" in the sense that he bandies about four-letter words... just that he has the ability to come up with some phrases that definitely bring a very specific image to mind!  Following are just a handful of "Martone-isms" that I captured during a recent CrossFit Kettlebell certification with Jeff.

  • Sloth-like Reflexes
  • Droopy-bell Syndrome
  • Blow out an O-ring
  • Like a pig looking at a wristwatch
  • It's like magic - but better!
  • What muscle doesn't it work?
  • Are we playing "Stump the Chump"?
  • It's all about the glutes!
  • Snappy hips are happy hips!
  • If you don't feel like eating a kettlebell - then modify!
  • "Short-stroking at the top..."
  • You can't develop work capacity - without work!
  • If you are going to stupid - you better be tough!
  • Train - Not Maim!
  • Squash the pumpkin...
  • No good is going to come out of that...
  • Turn on the sphincter-lock - just for fun!

Burst into Shape

Krystal I found an interesting article on CrossFit that ran in the Seattle Times back in February (02/26/08).  It wasn't that the subject matter was unique (CrossFit) but that that writer was talking about the science behind (and recent studies) that substantiate the short, high intensity workouts that CrossFit endorses.

From the article:

"The research, published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, found that performing repeated bouts of "sprint" exercises made profound changes in skeletal muscle and endurance capacity, similar to training that requires hours of exercise each week. The endurance capacity in the sprint group increased on average from 26 to 51 minutes, and the subjects' muscles showed a significant increase in citrate synthase, an enzyme that is indicative of the tissue's ability to use oxygen.

Researchers at Southwest Missouri State University and the University of Missouri found that accumulated 10-minute bursts totaling 30 minutes are more effective than continuous exercise in lowering fat and triglyceride levels in the bloodstream after eating. The study found that regular repetition of short exercise bouts can have a positive effect on metabolism."

Read the rest of the article here.